Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thanksgiving and Christmas

Sorry I have not updated in a while. Here is some stuff about thanksgiving. I had some of my family come. We had a big thanksgiving meal. We had lots of fun! Break was a week long and nobody stayed for very long. There are some pics at the bottom. Here is some stuff about Christmas. We were not allowed to go downstairs till 7:00. I love all my presents. The last one I opened from my parents was my cell! I love it. I also got rock band. Well its our family's to share. Both my grandparent sets came. They were the ones who got us the rock band. We go back to school on Jan 6. Sob. That's it for now. Come back soon and please comment.


Kalista Hill said...

Finaly u up dated your blog.

JH said...

Yea Faith: We rocked out on Christmas day. Glad you got a lot of nice things from Ole Santa. Love, Grandpa

Stacey said...

Glad you are enjoying your cell, Faith! Great update and pictures.

Maddie said...

I hope you like your phone. The boys got RockBand 2. Great pics!

Maddie said...

r u going to update soon?